Carrino Design - A LIFESTYLE

Carrino Porte

Index 2017

Dear, the Carrino Design is pleased to invite you to attend the official presentation of the new collection at 2017 INDEX in Dubai from 21 to 25 May from 11.00 to 19.00. The event will be held at the Dubai World Trade Center (2nd Zaabel Road - D 7th Rd, Alsaada) to Hall7 STAND number 7B16.


The Big 5 Dubai

Dear, the Carrino Design is pleased to invite you to attend the official presentation of the new collection 2015 at THE BIG 5 in Dubai from 17 to 20 November from 11.00 to 19.00. The event will be held at the Dubai World Trade Center (2nd Zaabel Road - D 7th Rd, Alsaada) to PAVILION STAND number E19.


From 1970 to Today

The brand CARRINO DESIGN is today in the world of MADE IN ITALY guarantee constant. The elements that gradually over time have helped to consolidate the brand, have a passion for woodworking, the selection of raw materials and the professionalism of human resources within the same and different activities of marketing and communications at both national and internationally.


Index 2015

Dear, the Carrino Design is pleased to invite you to attend the official presentation of the new collection 2015 at 2015 INDEX in Dubai from 18 to 21 May from 11.00 to 19.00. The event will be held at the Dubai World Trade Center (2nd Zaabel Road - D 7th Rd, Alsaada) to Hall7 STAND number 7B16.


Project Partneship

The company Carrino years been involved in the creation of "quality products" as well as tried to diversify production, to be a leader on market trends and updates on new marketing strategies in order to give the possibility to its future customers affiliates to work less and therefore earn less effort. Under these assumptions, the company launched a Carrino nuovosistema to "see and sell the door."


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Copyright © Carrino Design S.R.L. - Vat: 02994440739.
C.da Campo dei Fiori, z.i. - 74024 Manduria (TA).
48 Burj Gate, 10th Floor, room #1001, Downtown - Dubai - EAU.
Telephone: +39.0999712000 | +971.43216260 - Fax: +39.0999793609.
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